School Uniform

Our uniform suppliers are J Maxx in the town centre, where you can purchase items with the school logo, such as cardigans, sweatshirts and school ties. However, plain black trousers, shorts, skirts, pinafores, white polo t-shirts, white shirts, blue jumpers and PE tops can be purchased from local supermarkets and chain store shops.

We also have a stock of new and 'nearly new' uniforms in sizes ranging from age 2 to age 13/14. Feel free to call in and take what you need or contact the school and we can send home any additional uniform items you require. 

 Foundation & Key Stage 1  Key Stage 2  P.E Kit

 Royal blue jumper or cardigan 
 White polo shirt
 Black trousers or skirt/pinafore
 Black shoes

 Royal blue jumper or cardigan 
 White shirt and tie
 Black trousers or skirt/pinafore
 Black shoes
 White T-shirt 
 Black shorts
 Black pumps


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