History & Geography


Getting better at history and geography requires all aspects of the disciplines to be developed together. We may be able to set out separate summaries of the historical and geographical knowledge and disciplinary knowledge, but they need to be carefully blended in all teaching and learning. Only when all aspects are carefully and thoroughly mixed in the appropriate balance is the subject discipline being developed.

Our history and geography curriculum ensures children develop a deep sense of place and time. Children learn a chronological narrative which explains how the lives of people in Britain and the world have been shaped and are influenced by historical and geographical events.

Our history curriculum has three main aspects:

Knowledge of history: Dates, facts, people, events

Disciplinary knowledge: change & continuity, chronology, causation, consequence, similarity & difference, and significance

Conceptual Knowledge: Society, Governance, Movement & Migration, Achievements & Legacy Culture, Trade & Industry

Our geography curriculum has three main aspects:

Knowledge of geography: Locational knowledge, names of places, rivers, mountains

Disciplinary knowledge: Fieldwork, Map Reading,

Conceptual knowledge: Human & Physical, Movement & Migration, Trade & Industry, Settlements.