Physical Education
At Sutton Manor, we understand and value the importance of physical education to ensure children develop physically, emotionally, and socially. Our curriculum is designed from nursery to reception to allow children time to develop fundamental movement skills, motor competence, and physical skills to participate in team sports. Children have a minimum of three 45-minute lessons of physical education per week.
Our curriculum is built around key concepts. These concepts act as progressive strands which run within and across all year groups and form the basis of our expectations:
· Physical: fundamental movement skills, motor competence, health-related exercise and sports
· Emotional: ready, respectful, safe, and participation
· Social: team sports, games, and participation
Early years
In the Early Years, our curriculum is based heavily on developing children's fundamental movement skills and motor competence. Children will take part in a wide range of activities to develop these core physical skills. Children are taught to regulate their emotions and how to deal wth winning and losing well.
Key Stage One
As children progress through key stage one, they will move from a focus on fundamental movement skills to motor competence which leads to playing informal games. These games will help children develop their skills further in a competitive structure.
Key Stage Two
In key stage two, children will use the skills and competencies they have gained to play formal and informal games. They will learn the rules of games and develop their technical knowledge and skills.